Monday, February 28, 2011

Is higher intelligence better?

I'm writing this on Monday instead of on Friday, but anyway:

I was against the Singularity before I found out what it was. I still believe technology has done much more harm for our species than good (I don't think this point is really up for debate. Just ask a biologist whether technology has advanced or hindered our evolution, health, and happiness. For those last two you'd have to turn to an anthropologist, and from what I've read it looks as though we are just starting to catch up, lifespan-wise, to "primitive" peoples. Indian chiefs and warriors in the 1800s and 1900s--famous Native Americans for whom we have birth and death dates--lived into their eighties and nineties while, according to Ray Kurzweil at least, the civilized European-Americans were benefiting form the aid of period technology and dying at 45. The Kwaaymii Indians of the Laguna Mountains, in our own back yard, considered "old" to be in their eighties, and some lived into their hundreds--according to their last living member at least. As for the happiness question, no one can tell us for sure. Surely primitive cultures had a higher infant death rate [which actually would help control the population and contribute to evolution] and they probably had to labor for long hours for survival purposes. But who today can say they don't spend their lives working? More important for me is that universally, aboriginal people had such a deep, incomprehensible connection with the earth, almost like they were part of a giant organism or something. Many Native Americans called it "the Great Mystery.") But now that I know the Singularity's all about becoming extremely intelligent, I can't really argue against that. Intelligence is good, although I disagree with all the other implications of the Singularity, like living in a virtual reality, being at the mercy of nanobots (which might be controlled by a government--too much power if you ask me), and devaluing death. The way we got to our current level of intelligence is that it just happened. Different parts of our brains control different functions, like sight, euphoria, curiosity, etc. How can the scientists and machines creatively invent new functions? I'm also curious how something so positive could spring from several thousand years of civilization and technology--something so negative.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I'm beginning to think that, once again, technology promises us what we already have. I used to be opposed to the Singularity because nature is so much better than better living through chemistry. However, apparently one of the predictions Kurzweil makes is that technology will infinitely expand our minds, bringing us beyond our current level of intelligence, and wake up the "dumb" universe, giving everything intelligence and consciousness.

There's nothing to object to there. More intelligence is not a bad thing; no good can come from staying in the dark intentionally. There are no unsolvable problems, only lower levels of intelligence. Intelligence is great. But I think this all may be already accessible. The Lucid Dreamer goes on an on about how problems and situations that dumbfounded people in their daily lives were easy to solve in the dream world. Astral projectionists and lucid dreamers, as well as people who are skilled at meditating, speak of a "third eye" which actually corresponds to the pineal gland in the brain, and of going beyond their physical bodies to explore the mysteries of the universe and other dimensions, unimaginable in this realm.

Modern-day "shamans" and proponents of the drug DMT say that by using DMT, which also occurs naturally in our metabolic system, you can tap into nature's consciousness. If the universe has a consciousness and we're all a part of it, that's pretty cool. If we can access naturally these greater intelligences, the negative side of the Singularity doesn't seem worth it.