Friday, October 22, 2010

What makes it a tragedy?

I thought Oedipus was tragic because of the scope of the whole thing. The audience witnesses this incredible downfall, and it has repercussions for everybody. It shakes the citizens' faith in the infallibility of their king, and makes everyone feel a little weirded out. However, i get more worked up about newer tragedies, in which it's tragic because of the people, not just the significant events. If a character you love dies, or you know that two characters love each other so much but can't be together, it strikes a much deeper chord. Character development is the key to any modern tragedy, and it's so powerful because we identify with the character.

1 comment:

  1. Sam I completely agree with you. Oedipus is sad because it shows the downfall of man, but modern tragedies are sad because of personal, emotional connections to the main character. I know specifically which tragedy you are referring to you in your blog about two people not being able to stay together, "His Dark Materials" trilogy. I found that to be one of the saddest series of books I've read in a long time.
