Thursday, March 10, 2011

Starting "On Intelligence"

Well, On Intelligence arrived and I've started reading it. It's not as well-written as The Singularity is Near--not as urgently. But I can tell it's going to be interesting. I want to know if there's any hope for technology expanding humans' consciousness and intelligence. Unless it does this, it's only going to weaken our species (the Singularity scenario seems to partly make up for technology's backfalls by taking our bodies out of the equation and making us super-smart). Unless technology is going to benefit humans and not just surround us, it's not worth it. Please tell me what you think: will it be good for technology to expand our minds vastly (if you're like me and you automatically set up tent in the "technology is bad" camp, try to get rid of that prior notion to answer this question), or will it be destructive to us?

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